Textured Finishes

Textured finishes are a new way of providing depth and character to interior and exterior walls of homes. This service commonly entails the use of various techniques in producing novel surface patterns and textures, thereby enhancing the aesthetic appeal of walls, ceilings, as well as outdoor areas. There are very subtle effects akin to resembling sand or stucco and more dramatic effects such as knockdown or popcorn.

It begins with the selection of the texture proper for your concept and overall style, then the work of the professionals on the equipment and materials to bring forth the right effect, which in return allows for uniform application and good-quality results. Textured finishes enhance visual interest but are also helpful in hiding imperfections in surfaces, making it a practically good choice for older houses. In addition, finishes can strengthen the walls by resisting wear and tear. Whether one would like to make his home warm inside or make a statement outside, textured finishes are versatile in style for any project.

Low Maintenance

This service requires very low maintenance and it is completely versatile service as well.

Acoustic Benefits

The acoustic environment of your room improved through texture finishing service.

Benefits of Cabinet Refinishing Service

  • Add proper character and depth to the ceiling and walls

  • Significantly hide any type of flaws from wall surface

  • Proper protection against any wear and tear

  • We also offer different textures variety that match the interior for your room